Unity SDK

Getting Started

What you need

  • Make sure you have Unity 2021.3.11f1 LTS or later available.

  • Get an endpoint

Set Up Unity Environment

  1. Download the latest STYLE Protocol Unity SDK as a Unity package.

    • The filename is similar to STYLE_Protocol_SDK_v0.1.unitypackage.

  2. Create a 3D Unity project using 2021.3.11f1 LTS or later.

  3. Install the packages:

  4. Select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package to import your downloaded STYLE Protocol SDK package.

  5. Click Import.

  6. Create Secrets.cs as a template with Endpoints and Alchemy key (optional) substituted.

Using the SDK

You'll find the SDK into STYLE SDK folder and there is an example usage inside the Demo folder.


Last updated