Here you'll find detailed info about the features of the Web SDK
Fetch NFTs
Fetch requested NFTs
How to import:
How it looks like:
cursor: integer
- Start index ofgetStakes
protocol`s function (as it uses pagination).amount: integer
- Number of viewed indexes ofgetStakes
protocol`s function (as it uses pagination).chainId: integer
- Chain Id to be able to use it cross-chain.metaverseFilter: string | string[]
- Using for metaverse filter. Any alone strings are converted to[string]
. Currently possible values are:decentranland
,cryptovoxels, fabwelt
. Use empty array to get items from all metaverses.typeFilter: string | string[]
- Using for asset type filter. Any alone strings are converted to[string]
. Currently possible values are:AVATAR
. Use empty array to get items of all types.subtypeFilter: string | string[]
- Using for asset subtype filter. Any alone strings are converted to[string]
. Use empty array to get items of all types.
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
Buy NFTs
Approve ERC20 tokens to protocol
How to import:
How it looks like:
web3: Web3
- Web3 object from web3 library (to use user's wallet).walletAddress: string
- Wallet address to use it to sign transactions.NFT: dict
- Object with NFT data (element of array taken from fetch functions).spender
: approve
- Spender of allowance.
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
How to import:
How it looks like:
signer: Signer
- Signer object from ethers library (to use user's wallet).NFT: dict
- Object with NFT data (element of array taken from fetch functions).spender
: approve
- Spender of allowance.
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
Buy requested NFTs
How to import:
How it looks like:
web3: Web3
- Web3 object from web3 library (to use user's wallet).walletAddress: string
- Wallet address to use it to sign transactions.chainId: integer
- Chain Id to be able to use it cross-chain.NFT: dict
- Object with NFT data (element of array taken from fetch requested NFTs function).
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
How to import:
How it looks like:
signer: Signer
- Signer object from ethers library (to use user's wallet).chainId: integer
- Chain Id to be able to use it cross-chain.NFT: dict
- Object with NFT data (element of array taken from fetch requested NFTs function).
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
Fetch Models
Our protocol uses semi-decentralized storage architecture for models conneted with our NFTs, so that only the owner is able to see his NFT's model.
Get User Proof
How to import:
How it looks like:
web3: Web3
- Web3 object from web3 library (to use user's wallet).walletAddress: string
- Wallet address to use it to sign transactions.cached
: bool
- If the userProof could be saved to the cache or not.
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
How to import:
How it looks like:
signer: Signer
- Signer object from ethers library (to use user's wallet).cached
: bool
- If the User Proof could be saved to the cache or not.
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
Get an URL of the model
How to import:
How it looks like:
: string
- model_url from the NFT's metadata.userProof
: Dict
- User Proof got using the section above.
Return value:
If succeded:
If failed:
Last updated