Try SDK for Unreal Engine
Integrate the STYLE Marketplace in Unreal Engine.
Last updated
Integrate the STYLE Marketplace in Unreal Engine.
Last updated
Take less than 15 minutes to download the SDK for Unreal Engine and integrate the STYLE Marketplace into Unreal Engine project.
Make sure you have Unreal Engine 5.0 or later available.
Get an endpoint
Get an Alchemy Key (optional)
Download the latest STYLE Protocol Unreal Engine SDK.
Create an Unreal Engine project using 5.0 or later.
Close the editor.
Copy Plugins folder from STYLE Protocol SDK into your project.
Launch the editor again and rebuild plugins depending on your Unreal Engine's version.
Open Private/Secrets.cpp and substitute Endpoints and an Alchemy key (optional) .
Use Hyperplay to build your game.
You'll find the SDK into the STYLE SDK folder.
There is an example usage inside the STYLESDKExamples Graph.